Here I rather focus on hybrid experiences, Whatsapp Number List which are really separate for both audiences or 'blended', where visitors can effortlessly switch between physical and online experiences. A good example is Tomorrowland, Whatsapp Number List which has set up an online NFT scavenger hunt for its Winter Festival in March, giving the winners access to exclusive areas on the festival site. Hybrid Handshakes Before corona, there were already countless.
Event apps for sharing information Whatsapp Number List about the event. In the past two years, those possibilities have expanded insanely and you see not only powerful AI-based matchmaking, but also all kinds of hybrid possibilities. In addition Whatsapp Number List to inspiration, networking remains the most important reason for people to visit an event. That is why it is important as an event organizer to facilitate this properly. If there is a hybrid audience, it is also important to pay extra attention to this.
Too often I see here that both forms of public are closed off from each other in separate network environments. A missed opportunity. Recently I saw myself at events that visitors really wanted to connect with 'the other audience', because there Whatsapp Number List were also interesting people there. It is important to work this out very well in advance and to facilitate well during the event itself. Think about how you, as a physical visitor, would prefer to network with a virtual visitor. Sitting on a comfortable chair and with stable wifi.