said so publicly. And I explain why in this video clip. What are the alternatives to the implementation of the MPA? Content Delivery Network . CDNs work by bringing a site's heaviest resource files closer to the end user. Less distance to travel means faster delivery, so your pages display faster on a mobile device. fully implemented . The protocol speeds up the transport of data on the Web. So if your market has 4G or 5G internet speeds and your website is compatible,
you probably don't need AMP at all. Progressive Web Apps Technology . PWAs can make your website behave like a native mobile app. We've written about this before (see What is a Progressive Web App). Here is a story to illustrate this HTTP/2 statement. One of our company employee list consulting clients, an American company, has converted several thousand of its web pages to AMP. Four staff members worked for five weeks to complete the project. The result?
Their AMP pages were displaying slightly faster for mobile searchers. But website ranking and traffic were not affected. Looking back, their time and effort would have been better spent creating new content. The AMP solution makes more sense in countries/regions where the network speed is slow. For example, our office in Bruce Clay in India has helped implement AMP for some clients with good results. You don't need AMP at all for web pages that are already responsive and fast enough. Click to tweetIf you think AMP is for you and you're